with Ethereum

Your Keys, Your Identifier

Sign-In with Ethereum is a new form of authentication that enables users to control their digital identity with their Ethereum account and ENS profile instead of relying on a traditional intermediary. Already used throughout Web3, this effort standardizes the method with best practices and makes it easy to adopt securely.

To hop right in, check out our Quickstart Guide.

Quickstart Guide

Integrate Sign-In with Ethereum


Additional Support

📇ENS Profile Resolution

Additional Resources

  • Sign-in With Ethereum was a standard built collaboratively with the greater Ethereum community. For more information on the EIP, check out the following page:

  • For more information on Sign-In with Ethereum and its related benefits to both the Web3 ecosystem and Web2 services, check out the following page:

📒SIWE Overview


  • 💻 - Check out the Sign-In with Ethereum home page for more information about supporters, and recent activity.

  • 👾 Discord - Join the #sign-in-with-ethereum channel in the Spruce Discord Server for additional support.

  • 📖 Blog - Check out the latest updates on Sign-In with Ethereum posted on the Spruce blog.

We host a Sign-In with Ethereum community where we discuss relevant updates, new libraries, additional integrations, and more. If you're interested in contributing to Sign-In with Ethereum, we encourage that you join the calls by filling in this form.

Last updated