To parse from EIP-4361 you have to use Siwe::Message.from_message
require 'siwe'
Siwe::Message.from_message "domain.example wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n0x9D85ca56217D2bb651b00f15e694EB7E713637D4\n\nExample statement for SIWE\n\nURI: some.uri\nVersion: 1\nChain ID: 1\nNonce: k1Ne4KWzBHYEFQo8\nIssued At: 2022-02-03T20:06:19Z"
Messages can be parsed to and from JSON strings, using Siwe::Message.from_json_string and Siwe::Message.to_json_string respectively:
Verification and authentication is performed via EIP-191, using the address field of the SiweMessage as the expected signer. The validate method checks message structural integrity, signature address validity, and time-based validity attributes.
message.validate(signature) # returns true if valid throws otherwise
rescue Siwe::ExpiredMessage
# Used when the message is already expired. (Expires At <
rescue Siwe::NotValidMessage
# Used when the message is not yet valid. (Not Before >
rescue Siwe::InvalidSignature
# Used when the signature doesn't correspond to the address of the message.
Serialization of a SIWE Message
Siwe::Message instances can also be serialized as their EIP-4361 string representations via the Siwe::Message.prepare_message method:
require 'siwe'
message = Siwe::Message.from_message " wants you to sign in with your Ethereum account:\n0xA712a0AFBFA8656581BfA96352c9EdFc519e9cad\n\n\nURI:\nVersion: 1\nChain ID: 1\nNonce: 9WrH24z8zpiYOoBQ\nIssued At: 2022-02-04T15:52:03Z"
message.validate "aca5e5649a357cee608ecbd1a8455b4143311381636b88a66ec7bcaf64b3a4743ff2c7cc18501a3401e182f79233dc73fc56d01506a6098d5e7e4d881bbb02921c"
puts "Congrats, your message is valid"
rescue Siwe::ExpiredMessage
# Used when the message is already expired. (Expires At <
rescue Siwe::NotValidMessage
# Used when the message is not yet valid. (Not Before >
rescue Siwe::InvalidSignature
# Used when the signature doesn't correspond to the address of the message.